

Endgame support has not been tested yet!

You can ingest Endgame data by following the steps below.


Please keep in mind that we currently use the *:endgame-* index pattern for Endgame data. This means the data will not be visible using the normal Security Onion dashboards/index pattern in Kibana. However, Endgame data will be viewable and aggregatable using Hunt and Elastic Security.


To configure Endgame ingestion during setup, ensure the ENDGAMEHOST variable is set to the IP address of the Endgame SMP that you want to send data from:

sudo ENDGAMEHOST= ./so-setup-network

This will open the Security Onion host-based firewall for access from the SMP to Security Onion on TCP port 3765.

Pivot to Endgame Console

If Endgame support is enabled, then Dashboards and Hunt will have an Endgame action on the Actions menu. Clicking that action will pivot to Endgame Console based on the agent.id field.